An ultra energy-efficient home

Reducing energy consumption at home is one of the most important things we can all do to help Scotland reach the net zero emissions target set for 2045. That’s why we’re proud to be answering the call for more high quality, energy-efficient homes. Our Water of Leith Apartments in Edinburgh became one of the first multi-use apartments in Scotland to achieve an A-rated EPC. Having set the pace for sustainability we’re striving to make sure all our homes going forwards bring you exceptional levels of energy-efficiency.

Here are some of the energy-saving features you might find in your new Carmichael home. Check with your site specification or manager to confirm.

What is an EPC rating?

All homes for sale in Scotland are given an energy efficiency rating called an ‘Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). A is the best rating and G is the worst. The higher the EPC rating, the more economical it will be to heat your home and water. An A-rated home is filled with passive systems that give you an easy and more affordable way to run your home.

Super insulation

U-values are what’s used to measure how easy it is for heat to escape through a wall or structure. It’s how we judge the effectiveness of insulation. The lower the U-value number, the better, as it means the insulation is stopping heat from escaping through walls and windows. There are minimum building standards for all types of construction. Some builders aim to meet the standards. We aim to exceed them.

Gas boiler with Flue Gas Heat Recovery (FGHR)

A FGHR device sits between the boiler and the flue taking all the exhaust gases outside. It cleverly captures the heat in the exhaust gas, and recycles it to heat incoming cold water. FGHRs increase boiler efficiency and reduce the amount of gas you need to create hot water every year by up to 50%. They make hot water quicker, so there’s less lukewarm water when you turn on the tap.


Photovoltaic Solar Panels (Solar PVs)

Solar PVs capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity you can use in your home. They don’t need direct sunlight and can work even on cloudy days, however the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated.

Solar PVs generate direct current (DC) electricity. Because the electricity used for household appliances is alternative current (AC), an inverter is installed to convert your renewable DC electricity to AC. This is homemade electricity you can use throughout your home. Solar PVs help to reduce your electricity bill. An MC certificate is issued for your home. This is what you can use to access your energy provider’s export tariff.

Home Electrical Battery Storage

Home battery storage systems are used to store electricity from solar panels and can be used for back-up or energy savings. They are charged with electricity during the day, typically when your home is using the lowest amount of electricity. You can then draw from this electricity at peak times to reduce your electricity bill. The battery can also be charged at night from the grid when the cost per unit is lowest, so you can use this electricity at peak times to cut your bills. In the event of a power cut, it’s also a great back-up way of keeping the fridge, freezer and internet running.

Heat batteries - thermal energy stores

Thermal stores replace traditional hot water cylinders. Heat is stored and released when needed for hot water and heating. Instead of storing hot water, thermal energy stores hold the heat in a Phase Change Material (PCM). PCMs are capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy quickly compared to traditional hot water tanks. This means there’s very little heat loss. Thermal energy stores can deliver near mains pressure hot water and are much more space-efficient. The heat battery can be charged with any source of heat such as from a boiler, ASHP, GSHP, from Solar PVs or from the grid.